機器人組裝工廠AR體驗 | Robot Factory AR Experience

有別於傳統的展示方式,這次專案,我們利用AR技術打造一個虛擬的機器人工廠,直接和北爾電子所生產的的HMI(人機介面)結合。 當行人經過時,自己就化身為組裝台上的人偶,隨著生產線的推移依序組裝機器人身上的各個零件。 透過實際整合HMI上的各項介面功能,參觀者可以親自操作,體驗北爾電子產品的特長;此外,也利用AR技術吸引人群的注意,同時達成吸睛與介紹產品的目標。

Instead of the static demonstration, we built a virtual robot assembling factory and integrated the installation with HMI(human-machine-interface) panel. The visitor who walked through the area, would become one of the robot on the production line, and be assembled sequentially. They can also order or change the recipe of the production line via the HMI panel, and saw the result instantly. By accessing the panel directly, user experience the strong point of the Beijer product, and that gives the seller a better chance to propose their product.