裝修模擬VR | RenovationVR
裝修模擬VR | RenovationVR
換換太空裝AR | One day astronaut AR
換換太空裝AR | One day astronaut AR
北門遊客中心AR互動體驗設施 | Fish Catching & BaySalt AR
北門遊客中心AR互動體驗設施 | Fish Catching & BaySalt AR
浮空抓藥互動操作 | Hovering Gesture Control
浮空抓藥互動操作 | Hovering Gesture Control
非常武學互動裝置集 | Interactive Devices in Exhibition “Very KungFu”
非常武學互動裝置集 | Interactive Devices in Exhibition “Very KungFu”
AR Fitting test for different tall
AR Fitting test for different tall
播州之役AR.VR互動內容 | The Campaign of Bozhou.AR.VR
播州之役AR.VR互動內容 | The Campaign of Bozhou.AR.VR
森林勇士體感狩獵 | The Hunting
森林勇士體感狩獵 | The Hunting